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14 results

*Note that we list titles in their original language when the official English versions are not available.
Legend Event Feature film Short Film Film in competition

Palais Montcalm - Salle Raoul-Jobin

Event Feature film Short Film Film in competition

Screening A meeting with Double O Seven, George Lazenby | Buy

Becoming Bond

Documentary 92 MIN | Language English | Subtitles French

Screening Ailleurs | Buy


Fiction 98 MIN | Language French | Subtitles English

Palais Montcalm - Salle d'Youville

Event Feature film Short Film Film in competition

Screening Bagages | Buy


Documentary 52 MIN | Language French

Screening Amadeux | Buy


Fiction 173 MIN | Language English, Italian, German, French | Subtitles French

Screening Beach rats | Buy

Beach Rats

Fiction 95 MIN | Language English | Subtitles French

Screening Susanne Bartsch : On top | Buy

MNBAQ - Auditorium Sandra et Alain Bouchard

Event Feature film Short Film Film in competition

Screening Plastic China | Buy

Plastic China

Documentary 82 MIN | Language Chinese (mandarin) | Subtitles French/english

Screening Radius | Buy


Fiction 92 MIN | Language English | Subtitles French

Screening | Buy

Screening Beauty and the Dogs | Buy

Place d'Youville

Event Feature film Short Film Film in competition

Screening | Free


Fiction 96 MIN | Language French

Screening | Free

Théâtre Les Gros Becs

Event Feature film Short Film Film in competition

Screening Focus Flanders - Dagen zonder lief | Buy

Dagen zonder lief

Fiction 105 MIN | Language Flemish | Subtitles French/english

Screening Origami | Buy


Fiction 95 MIN | Language French | Subtitles English